Council Highlights from Nov 13, 2004

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Council Highlights from Nov 13, 2004

Postby mdalions » Tue Nov 09, 2004 22:16

AGENDA - COUNCIL MEETING – Howard Johnson Hotel
Saturday, November 13, 2004

(1) 8:30 am Meeting called to order & opening remarks C.C.
(2) 8:35 am New Business Additions and Approval of the Agenda
(3) 8:37 am Minutes of previous Council Meetings
(4) 8:42 am Secretary’s Report
(5) 8:45 am Correspondence
(6) 8:50 am Treasurer’s Report
(7) 9:20 am Magazine Committee Wayne Chambers, PDG
(8) 9:30 am (a) Convention Advisory Derek Bloomfield, PDG
(b) Kingston Convention Update Dave Hansen, PDG
10:00 am BREAK
(9) 10:15 am Promotion Committee Dave Overboe, PCC
(10) 10:30 am Sight Conservation Eric Buss, PDG
(11) 10:45 am Constitution & By-Laws Committee Don Stevely, PDG
(12) 11:00 am International Advisory Committee Arthur Woods, PID
(13) 11:15 am Youth Opportunities Committee Tom Hodgson, PDG
(14) 11:30 am MERL (Membership, Extension, Retention, Leadership) Kathy Daoust, PDG
(15) 11:45 am LUNCH & CHECKOUT
(16) 1:00 pm Research & Long Range Planning Bill Sasse
(17) 1:30 pm Hearing Conservation Committee Fred Sheehy, PDG
(18) 1:45 pm Website Report Ted Rypma
(19) 1:55 pm Administration Committee Harry Marissen, PCC
(20) 2:00 pm _________________________
(21) 2:05 pm _________________________
(22) 2:10 pm _________________________
(23) 2:15 pm _________________________
(24) 2:20 pm _________________________

Attention Committee Chairs: This invitation is sent to you only. If you convene a meeting of your committee during the Council meeting, your members will be entitled to claim expenses per Rules of Audit. Send a RSVP for each member including spouse/partner who attends the Council meeting. We wish to remind you that your sub committees come under your leadership and will need your assistance for reporting to Council.

Constitution & By-Laws says
SECTION 15 Expenses of the Chairmen and Members of District “A” Committees
a) Chairmen and members of District “A” Committees attending duly convened meetings of their Committees during their Term of Office shall be entitled to claim Expenses, if necessary, in accordance with these Rules of Audit.
However, the Chairman of a District “A” Committee shall not convene more than two (2) meetings of his Committee during his Term of Office, unless the Chairman of the Governors’ Council deems it necessary that more than two (2) meetings of that committee should be held in the interest of Lionism.
b) Minutes of each meeting of a Committee shall be recorded and a copy submitted by the Committee Chairman with his Expense Claim Form.
c) All Committee members attending a meeting of their Committee shall submit their Expense Claim Form to the Chairman of that Committee for approval.
d) Members added to a Committee over the number of four (4) appointed by the Chairman of the Governors’ Council, or over the number appointed by virtue of the provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws, shall not be entitled to reimbursement of their expenses for their attendance at said Committee meeting.

Next Meeting February 11th, 7:00 pm, Markham
Last edited by mdalions on Mon Dec 04, 2006 21:18, edited 4 times in total.
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Minutes of Nov 13 Council meeting

Postby mdalions » Tue Nov 23, 2004 21:21

NOVEMBER 13, 2004

PRESENT: CC Dan Davis, A-1 Governor Ray Adam, A-2 Governor Fred Broughton, A-3 Governor Eric Holmden, A-4 Governor Dave Voisey, A-5 Governor Bob Hobbs, A-711 Governor Glenda Coupland, A-9 Governor Ben Miller, A-12 Governor Terry Mayhew, A-15 Governor Nancy Brash, A-16 Governor Paul Taylor, Treasurer Cathy Bock, Wayne Hoey (Recording Secretary).

1. WELCOME: The meeting was called to order by Council Chair Dan Davis at 8:30 a.m. CC Dan welcomed everyone.

2. AGENDA: Motion by Governor Voisey, seconded by Governor Miller to adopt the agenda as presented with no additions. Carried

3. MINUTES: The minutes of the September 18, 2004 Council meeting, and the email vote for the Doctors Monster Draw were presented for approval. Motion by Governor Taylor, seconded by Governor Voisey that the minutes be approved. Carried

Items arising out of the minutes:

6(f) New clubs not paying MDA dues – Motion by Gov Voisey, seconded by Hobbs that MDA follow LCI rules for new clubs paying dues. Carried

9(b) 1. That the expenses of the Promotion Chair and spouse be covered thru rules of audit for a maximum six days and nights, when Council endorses attendance at the International Convention. Motion by Gov Hobbs, seconded by Gov Coupland that the expenses of the Promotion Chair be covered thru rules of audit for a maximum six days and nights, when Council endorses attendance at the International Convention, but not the spouse. Carried

9(b) 2. That the expenses of the Council Chairperson Elect and spouse be covered thru rules of audit for a maximum six days and nights. Motion by Gov Taylor, seconded by Gov Voisey that the expenses of the Council Chairperson be covered thru rules of audit for a maximum six days and nights, but not the spouse. Carried

9(b) 5. That any Past International Director and spouse attending the MDA breakfast receive a complimentary ticket. This would apply to PIDs, PIPs who represent Canada. Motion by Gov Holmden, seconded by Gov Brash that any Past International Director and spouse attending the Canadian breakfast receives a complimentary ticket. This would apply to PIDs, PIPs who represent Canada. Carried

9(b) 6. That the Council Chairperson Elect and spouse receive complimentary tickets for the breakfast. Motion by Gov Coupland, seconded by Gov Adam that the Council Chairperson Elect and spouse receive complimentary tickets for the Canadian breakfast. Carried

9(b) 7. That the Promotion Committee Chairperson and spouse receive complimentary tickets for the breakfast. Motion by Gov Holmden, seconded by Gov Miller that this be defeated. Carried

15(g) Expenses for Committee Chairpersons – MD”A” Convention

Motion by Gov Taylor, seconded by Gov Adam that any MD”A” Committee Chair required to report to Governors Council at the Multiple District “A” Convention shall be allowed to claim rules of audit at the established rates, up to a maximum of two nights accommodation and three days meals with the exception of the following Committee Chairs who shall be allowed to claim up to three nights accommodation and four days meals: - The Convention Advisory Committee Chair
- The Credentials Committee Chair
- The Elections Committee Chair
Further, this shall be so noted in the Multiple District Policy Manual. Carried

4. SECRETARY’S REPORT; Motion by Governor Voisey, seconded by Governor Broughton to receive the Secretary’s report. Carried

5. CORRESPONDENCE: There was two pieces of correspondence received. One from J.D. (Ian) Fowler thanking the MD”A” Council of Governors for their support for his candidature for the office of International Second Vice President. The second one was from Amy Pefia, Staff Attorney at The International Association of Lions Clubs saying that adding Vice District Governors to the Council of Governors would be inconsistent with the International Constitution and By-Laws.

Motion by Governor Holmden, seconded by Governor Brash to remove the Vice Governor’s vote so we are in accordance with Internationals Constitution and By-Laws. Carried

Motion by Governor Hobbs, seconded by Governor Broughton that the correspondence be received. Carried

6. TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer’s report was presented and issues were brought forward with recommendations for consideration as follows:

a) The issue of the selection of someone to perform an internal audit for 2004-2005.

Motion by Gov Holmden, seconded by Gov Mayhew that the issue of selecting someone to perform an internal audit for 2004-2005 is sent to the Administration Committee in order to have this internal audit done prior to the next Governors Council Meeting. Carried

b) The issue of the purchase of Friendship Arches by MDA Lions Clubs, it would appear the MDA collects the money from the club wishing to purchase Arches, we order the arches and the club picks the arches up. Why the clubs do not order the arches directly from the manufacturer themselves and pay direct?

Motion by Gov Mayhew, seconded by Gov Taylor that this matter is referred to the Promotion Committee for discussion and possible clarification. Carried

c) MDA Committee Chairs Orientation Session and the need to provide this training.

Motion by Gov Voisey, seconded by Gov. Broughton that immediately following the February Governors Council Meeting, the Council Chair, the Council Chair Elect, the MDA Secretary and the MDA Treasurer put together an orientation program for the MDA Committee Chairs for 2005-2006 to be held at the MDA Convention. Carried

d) The issue of Rules of Audit - Accommodation.

Motion by Gov Hobbs, seconded by Gov Miller that the Rules of Audit be adhered to at $65.00 per room per day and not per room per person. Carried

e) Motion by Gov Taylor, seconded by Gov Mayhew to receive the Treasurer’s report. Carried

7. LION MAGAZINE COMMITTEE: Chairman Chambers presented his report on
actions to date.

a) Collection of Pins, photos, and plaques

Motion by Gov Holmden, seconded by Gov Brash that all the pins, photos and plaques in PDG Chambers’s possession be turned over to the MDA Historian Lion Andy Klonikowski. Carried

b) Motion by Gov Coupland, seconded by Gov Adam to receive the Lion Magazine report. Carried

8. CONVENTION ADVISORY: Chairman Derek Bloomfield presented his report and
the committee’s recommendation that the registration fee for voting delegates that attend on Sunday only to vote that their registration fee is only 50% of what is charged. The plans for 2006 in Niagara Falls are progressing well. A budget will be submitted in December for the February Council meeting. We are still waiting on bids for the 2008 MDA Convention. This needs to be in to the MDA Secretary by December 15, 2004.

Motion by Gov Adam, seconded by Gov Taylor to receive the Convention Advisory report. Carried

8a. A special presentation was made by IPDG Michael Salter on the Lions Foundation of Canada.

The Lions Foundation of Canada Consolidated Statement for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004 shows and Excess of Revenues over Expenditures of almost $300,000. We graduated 66 Dog Guide teams in 2003-2004. Our breeding program at Breslau is expending, our goal for 2004-2005 is 200+ puppies. MDA Lions have contributed over 75% of Lions contribution to LFC in the first quarter. Well Done MDA. Lion At Woods was presented with the prestigious LFC Patron Award. They had 100 Walk for Dog Guides during 2003-2004. The campaign to remove the Kiwanis Logo from our Dog Guides in Training coats was a success.

Motion by Gov Adam, seconded by Gov Mayhew to receive the Lions Foundation of Canada Report. Carried

9. PROMOTION: Chairman Dave Overboe had a heart attack and is recovering in the hospital. His report was presented by Secretary Hoey.

a) Motion by Gov Hobbs, seconded by Gov Taylor to let the Promotion Committee create an application for bands on the website so that bands can formally apply to lead the MDA delegation at the International Convention. Carried

b) Motion by Gov Broughton, seconded by Gov Brash to receive the Promotion Committee report. Carried

10. SIGHT CONSERVATION: Chairman Eric Buss presented his report outlining his actions to date and advised that Vision Screening has taken of in A3, A12, & A16. Training is going to be done in A5 & A711. Eye Glass Collection proceeding well. Along with Lenscrafters we still need to pick glasses up from Zellers and Wal-Mart if they call. The CNIB Lake Jo 50/50 tickets will be mailed out this week.

Motion by Gov Adam, seconded by Gov Holmden that the Sight Conservation Report be received. Carried

11. CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS: Chairman Don Stevely presented his report said his committee considered three recommendations for changes to the Constitution and By-laws. Approved is a housekeeping item for the Magazine Committee. The other two from last year’s council, to add to the Constitution that Council meetings are open to the Lions of MDA, and that Roberts’s rules of order be the official arbiter for procedural matters not currently provided for in the Constitution or Policy Manual. These two matters should not be in the Constitution. They should be sent to R&LRP for consideration to the Policy Manual.

a) Motion by Gov Adam, seconded by Gov Taylor to forward the two rejected items to R&LRP committee for consideration into the Policy Manual. Carried

b) Motion by Gov Adam, seconded by Gov Hobbs to receive the Constitution and By-Laws report. Carried

Amendment to the November Council Meeting Minutes - Constitution and By-Laws:

11c) Motion by Gov Coupland, seconded by Gov Voisey that the secretary does the mailing out of the Creditentials Certificates to the Clubs and PDG’s. Carried

12. INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Chairman Art Woods presented his report. He spoke on the training of the Vice District Governors, requested submissions from the Governors for possible International Presidential Medal recipients, our International Guest at the MDA Convention will be P.I.P. Jim Ervin. All speakers for the District Conventions have been committed. Lion Art reminded the Governors to ask their clubs to review their corporate status and their insurance needs. He also reminded us of the visit to MDA by Second International Vice President Jimmy Ross.

Motion by Gov Holmden, seconded by Gov Taylor to receive the International Advisory Committee Report. Carried

13. YOUTH OPPORTUNTITIES COMMITTEE: Lion Tom Hodgson presented the Youth Opportunities Report reporting on the Leo Clubs & Peace Poster, Effective Speaking, Youth Exchange and Lions Quest. He reiterated that Youth Opportunities and Youth Outreach are two very important committees of your District and he encourages all Lions to become more familiar with the programs. The Effective Speaking new rules and regulations were handed out to the District chairs and an article will appear in the next Magazine. The Effective Speaking finals will be held on May 7, 2005 in Kitchener.

Motion by Gov Coupland, seconded by Gov Broughton to receive the Youth Opportunities Committee Report. Carried

14. MERL; The MERL Chairperson Kathy Daoust highlighted the MDA MERL Symposium and what a big success it was. The event exceeded the committee’s expectations. On Saturday, September 25th, 77 Lions participated and on Sunday we had 73 Lions eager and anxious to share the plans of their districts. All ten districts were well represented at the Symposium. The main topic of the Symposium was the role of the Region Chairperson. The committee is also hard at work preparing for the visit of 2nd International Vice President Jimmy Ross. She reminded the Council that the MDA MERL Team members are available to assist and support all Governors in your efforts to increase membership, to form new clubs, to decrease the number of drops in your district and to assist and improve your leadership training sessions.

a) Motion by Gov Mayhew, seconded by Gov Adam that the duties and responsibilities of the Region Chairperson shall be determined by each District Governor, having regard for the duties and responsibilities as outlined in the Multiple District Policy Manual, but not limited to those listed, recognizing that each District may have different needs and therefore a different use for that position.

Re-imbursement shall be at the established Rules of Audit rate and shall be based on the number of clubs in each Region Chairperson’s Region plus one additional visit at the discretion of the District Governor.

Further, that these changes be sent to the Administration Committee, who in consultation with the Constitution & By-Laws Chairman will prepare a draft for Council’s approval in time to be included on this year’s ballot and voted on at the 2005 Multiple District “A” Convention. Carried
b) Motion by Gov Adam, seconded by Gov Voisey to receive the MERL Committee Report. Carried

16. RESEARCH & LONG RANGE PLANNING: Chairman Bill Sasse presented the R&LRP Committee Report and the following issues were presented for discussion. A copy of the complete report was attached and formed part of the agenda package.

ISSUE #2 - Licensing of CNIB and Friendship Arches Raffle - We anticipate having a draft proposal for the February 2005 Council Meeting.

a) Motion by Gov Coupland, seconded by Gov Holmden that the R&LRP Committee retain this matter in committee so that proper procedures may be researched and recommended for council action before the end of this Lions’ Year to enable implementation at the beginning of Lions’ Year 2005-2006. Carried

ISSUE #6 - MD”A” Volunteer Screening Process Policy - Retained in committee

ISSUE #8 - Revised Job Description – IAC Committee – No recommendation at this time

ISSUE #9 - Review of Job Description – MD”A” Secretary – would result from input by the Administration committee

ISSUE #10 - Review of Job Description – MD”A” Treasurer – would result from input by the Administration committee

b) Motion by Gov Brash, seconded by Gov Taylor that the MDA Secretary and MDA Treasurer be added to the Research and Long Range Planning Committee as ex-officio members. Carried

ISSUE #14 - Ongoing Monitoring/Revising of Job Descriptions – Youth Opportunities Committee and Lions Magazine Committee - Retained in committee.

ISSUE #18 - Registration Fee at Convention For Members Attending Only to Vote

c) Motion by Gov Adam, seconded by Gov Miller that Council request a proposed budget
for the 2006 MD”A” Convention be submitted to Council no later than the February 2005 Council meeting to facilitate the setting of the 2006 Registration fee(s) in accordance with the provisions of MD”A” Constitution & By-laws, Article X1, Section 7.

Also that the MD”A” Convention issue be retained in committee pending a review of convention policy and procedures in consultation with the Convention Advisory Committee. Carried

d) Motion by Gov Adam, seconded by Gov Holmden to receive the Research & Long Range Planning Committee Report. Carried
17. HEARING: Chairman Fred Sheehy presented his report and indicated that The Canadian Hearing Society appreciated the authorization by the Governors Council to obtain mailing labels of the Lions Clubs in MD”A”. He feels it is critical with a MD”A” portfolio such as Hearing that we provide leadership & a forum for our counterparts in the ten Districts. As advised at the September Council Meeting he made arrangements with the Lions Foundation of Canada Hearing Ear Dogs to host a Conference for the District Hearing Chairs at their facility in Oakville, which took place last weekend, Saturday October 23rd to Sunday October 25th.

a) Motion by Gov Taylor, seconded by Gov Adam to refer to R&LRP Committee to look at permitting the Ontario Camp of the Deaf to obtain mailing labels for the Lions Clubs in MD”A” in order to provide information on the Camp. Carried

b) Motion by Gov Broughton, seconded by Gov Mayhew to receive the Hearing Committee Report. Carried

18. WEBSITE REPORT: Chairman Ted Rypma presented his report and announced the current content of the Lion Magazine is now available on the MD”A” Web site. He also reported that the areas that require attention are the Merchandise pages, The History page, the Full Committee Directory. The MD”A” mailing lists and the Content Management System.

Motion by Gov Taylor, seconded by Gov Broughton to receive the Website Committee Report. Carried

19. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE: Chairman Harry Marissen presented the Administration Committee Report and the following issues were presented for discussion. A copy of the complete report was attached and formed part of the agenda package.

ISSUE #1 - Lions/CNIB Partnership concerning Lions Low Vision Clinics – With the help of pro bono legal council of Lion James Morgan, a tentative agreement between the Committee and Paul Harvey has been achieved. The CNIB and Lions International still have to approve this document.

a) Motion by Gov Holmden, seconded by Gov Voisey to approve in principle this project and to send the agreement to Lions International’s Legal Department. Carried

ISSUE #2 - Heavy workload for the Treasurer during the summer months - Retained in committee

ISSUE #3 - Orientation Session for proposed committee chairs with the Council Chair, Council Chair Elect, Secretary and Treasurer - Retained in committee. Note: A motion was previously passed under the Treasurer’s report to provide for this orientation session.

b) Motion by Gov Coupland, seconded by Gov Hobbs to receive the Administration Committee Report. Carried

20. LCIF GRANTS – DG DAVE VOISEY: DG Voisey presented two applications for LCIF Grants. The first one for $34,000 for the Replacement of a Mobility Bus be forwarded to LCI immediately upon approval by MDA and the second, for $75,000 for Digital Playback Equipment be held pending the completion of an existing grant within District A4 that will be concluded by end of December 2004. This will then allow for the second LCIF grant
application ($75,000) to be submitted to LCI in early January 2005.

Motion by Gov Coupland, seconded by Gov Mayhew that the grant application for $34,000 go to Lions Clubs International and the $75,000 application be forwarded upon completion of a present District A4 grant which is anticipated by the end of December 2004. Carried

21. ADJOURNMENT: 1:30 p.m.

NOTE: Please refer to the Agenda packages for the individual Committee Reports.
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