Lions Insignia

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Lions Insignia

Postby LionPaul » Mon Nov 03, 2003 11:19

Wherever I travel in the world, I see many variations on Lions insignia - vests that are all blue, red or yellow. I've see denim vests, as well as the traditional yellow and purple vest. The same goes for the Lions Logo's - there are several to choose from and it seems that there are variations throughout the world. One of the strong points of any organised group is "instant recognition".

I would like to see some form of standardisation - especially on the colour scheme used. I do agree that the traditional cotton yellow/purple vests are definately outdated and need to be changed - but we all need to change to the same vest. Personally, I very much like the idea of a denim jacket with a yellow and purple zig-zag sewn in front and rear. Denim jackets are practicle and bring us into the 21st century.

As for which Lion Logo should be used on paperwork/pins etc - there should only be ONE - I can't think of a single company that has different logo's its branches may use. Although Lions logos are similar, we do need to agree on ONE - perhaps the one that has the words "We Serve" under it.

Whilst I firmly believe in uniformity and change, I also believe that regional variations be encouraged. Perhaps this means the introduction of national colours on our vests (as well as yellow and purple).

I know there must be others out there with similar ideas too.
Yours in Lionism, Paul T. Baker
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Location: Toronto, Canada

Postby Guest » Tue Nov 04, 2003 00:54

It would seem that if the LCI copyright on the Lions logo were properly followed and enforced, there would be no issue with logo variations. There is a code for it.

Vests on the other hand, seem to very often be local taste. In this area I know of at least 5 variations of vests, only two of which are the "official" variety, as sold in the LCI catalogue. The others represent "themes" of the clubs, and vary in colour from green to a tartan.

Lion Ted, Waterloo


Postby Lion_Brian_Hopkins » Mon Nov 10, 2003 11:26

Personally, I do not think the purple corduroy or the yellow nylon vests are outdated. However, as with anything, there is a time and a place for them. Sometimes they do look a bit hokey. I'm sure there are times when a blazer would be more appropriate for a dinner meeting.

A friend once told me that his wife had made a comment that when she saw him and other Lions in their yellow vests, they looked like a cross between Tweety Bird and a bunch of bikers. I still have this visual in my head of Marlon Brando and Peter Fonda riding down the road on a Harley wearing a Lions vest as their colours - not so far fetched is it? Maybe a tattoo: "Born To Serve" with the Lions logo on my rippling biceps ;-> One of my favorite songs is still Born to be Wild.

Lion Brian Hopkins
Lion Brian Hopkins
Ajax Lions Club
District A-16
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Postby Wayne Chambers » Mon Mar 15, 2004 16:06

fyi - Multiple District "A" Lion Jacket
International Director for 1959-61 (Convention: New York, N.Y.) Frank A. Bartlett, a member of the Hamilton Lions Club, never served as a District Governor but nevertheless qualified to run for the position of Director because he had served as President of the International Association of Lions Clubs (CANADA).
With the Int. Assn. of Lions Club (Canada), Lion Frank Bartlett created the coruroy sleeveless convention jacket (purple with yellow trim) which many Lions still wear. As the so-called "Canadian Association" covered all of Canada, one or two Maritime Provinces also adopted the convention jacket worn by the Lions of MDA, and at least two of the Western Provinces have the same shaped Jacket but the colours are light red with a darker red trim. (source: History of Multiple District "A' by Larry Carlisle 1993).
PDG Wayne Chambers A-11 96/97
Wayne Chambers
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