Some simple sign-up rules...

A place to discuss this forum, and to request additions and changes

Moderator: LionTed

Some simple sign-up rules...

Postby mdalions » Sun Mar 27, 2005 11:48

To prevent the use of this discussion forum and information source by those wishing to advertise porn or internet pharmaceuticals, all requests for membership are moderated.

As a further step, if you wish to sign up with a "generic" e-mail address, such as Hotmail or MSN, you must provide a real name and location, not a "screen name" or nickname. If you have a permanent, verifiable e-mail address with a major Internet Service Provider, a nickname is acceptable.

Thank you for your understanding.
Lion Ted Rypma
MD"A" Lions Forum Admin
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Re: Some simple sign-up rules...

Postby mdalions » Sun Sep 08, 2013 13:51

The Board is open to registrations again.
Lion Ted Rypma
MD"A" Lions Forum Admin
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Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Oct 17, 2003 21:17
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