MD"A" PDG Association Student Volunteer Award

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MD"A" PDG Association Student Volunteer Award

Postby mdalions » Mon Oct 01, 2007 20:49

MD”A” Past District Governors’ Association


[This text, plus application form, also in attached files.]

The members of the MD’A’ Past District Governors’ Association present an annual scholarship award to a grade 8 student within MD”A” who exemplifies the ideals of Lionism and community “service to others”.

1. To support the Past District Governors’ Association’s purpose “to perpetuate and foster the cause of International Lionism within Multiple District “A” and,
2. To assist in the promotion of the programs and principles of Lions Clubs International (Article II, Section I).
3. To promote educational programs for positive youth development, e.g. Lions Quest in our schools and/or membership in a Leos Club.
4. To recognize “volunteerism” in our youth.

Scholarship Amount: $500.00

Eligibility: A Grade 8 student in Multiple District ”A”

Awarded to a grade 8 student who -
A) exhibits good values including the following…
- Self discipline - Responsibility
- A healthy drug-free lifestyle - Honesty
- Respect for self and others - Courage
- Commitment to family - Kindness
- Service to others

B) has volunteered meaningfully in local charities, organizations or community based groups and has demonstrated the meaning of building a caring community

Nomination requirements:
• One candidate per District in MD”A” submitted by the District Lions Quest Chairperson or Director of the MD’A’ PDG’s Association in that District.
• The nomination form shall include full personal details of the nominee. Note: All information provided is treated as confidential.
• The District Lions Quest Chairperson or, District MD’A’ PDG Association Director, shall provide details about the nominee’s contributions and achievements and explain why the nominee should be selected for the award
• Please add any other pertinent information to support the nomination.
• A letter of reference from the student’s teacher is required

Method of Selection: A committee of two (2) members from the MD”A” Past District Governors’ Association, the MD’A’ Lions Quest Chair and two (2) Thrive staff members, shall select the winner

• If the student lives in the District of the annual MD”A” Convention, the presentation will be made at the Multiple District “A” Past District Governors’ annual dinner.
• If the above does not apply, the award will be presented by the MD’A’ Past District Governors’ Association Director at the District Convention in the District of the winner
• Failing either of the above being appropriate, the award will be presented by the PDG Association Director in co-operation with the school attended by the recipient.
• The award will be announced in the LION magazine, Bear Facts and the local media in the area of the recipient.

Summary: The Multiple District “A” Past District Governors’ Association “Student Volunteer Award” is an excellent way for our association to present itself and support the ideals of Lionism. Our Association would be promoting positive youth development in our schools and encouraging community “volunteering” in our youth.
Application form (Word document)
(26.5 KiB) Downloaded 1536 times
Application form (PDF)
(45.19 KiB) Downloaded 1573 times
Description and requirements of award (PDF)
(81.43 KiB) Downloaded 1514 times
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